

Dr. Yam is an active member of Toastmasters International. In fact, her first experience with Toastmasters was while she was in high school serving as a student council officer. The learning she gained from that interaction never left her. She recognized how it impacted her life and wants to provide similar opportunities to youth in her community and beyond.

Below are a few programs to consider your school or organization.

Youth Leadership Program

The Youth Leadership Program is a workshop consisting of eight one- to two-hour sessions that enable participants to develop communication and leadership skills through practical experience. The program is presented during or after school, or on weekends. Participants learn to:

  • Evaluate present speaking ability
  • Organize and give speeches
  • Give impromptu talks
  • Control voice, vocabulary and gestures
  • Give constructive feedback and more

Each Youth Leadership Program group is limited to 25 people. Participants are selected by the sponsoring Toastmasters club or by a cooperating organization (such as a school).

Dr. Yam serves as a coordinator to present the program. She attends each meeting, where she will lead most of the presentations and counsel participants. Dr. Yam assigns an assistant who can fill in for the coordinator should she be unable to attend a meeting. Meetings generally follow a format similar to that of a Toastmasters club meeting, including an announced agenda, practice in parliamentary procedure, and the selection of presiding officers.

Email Dr. Yam to schedule your workshop Click Here

Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Communication is a Toastmasters youth communication module.

Are you a teacher or active member of your community looking to help teenagers grow their communication skills?

The Interpersonal Communication program helps teens build effective listening and communication skills while understanding their own communication style. The program features materials designed for mentoring young people. The Team Member Manual is given to participants and contains short assignments and materials to supplement group activities and engage in discussion.

Order your kit to get started Click Here